Over-the-Phone Interpreting Services

260 Languages and Dialects Just a Phone Call Away

Get convenient language support whenever you need it: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign up online for instant access to live over-the-phone interpreters. Only $0.99 per minute with this special offer.

woman holds her cell phone

Over-the-Phone Interpreting from Accentable Services


Easy to get started, easy to use. Sign up online for instant access. Use the calling equipment you already have. Training materials available for you and your staff.


Our interpreting is available to you 24/7. Select your language and you'll be connected to a live interpreter right away. Or you can schedule in advance.


Qualified, experienced, native-speaking phone interpreters with knowledge of medical and legal terminology. Committed to HIPAA and confidentiality.


260+ languages and dialects available: from more common languages like Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and French to many harder-to-source languages.

How It Works


Sign Up Online

Your account will be set up within minutes.


Call Our Language Line

Just enter your Account Number and select the language you need.


Speak with Your Interpreter

You'll be connected to a qualified interpreter within a few seconds.

Over-the-Phone Interpreting Plus Plan

Special Annual Subscription

$118.80 / Year

Get access to complete language support.

  • Includes 120 minutes of over-the-phone interpreting services. Minutes expire after 12 months.
  • Need more minutes? Any additional interpreting time you use will be billed monthly at the rate of $0.99 per minute.
  • Account setup in minutes. Instant access to live interpreters.